Payment and delivery
Delivery around the city by refrigerator 150 lei. We deliver throughout the country, for delivery regions we agree with the customer, it also depends on the size of the order.
Cash upon receipt
Online payment - VISA/MasterCard
Transfer from SRL account
Reminder for the client
The minimum order of cakes is 2 - 2.5 kg, and desserts are at least 20 pieces of the same type.
To order a cake from 7 kg, you must make an advance payment.
You can place an order at least 7 days before the event. After this date, we do not make changes in quantity, composition or decor.
The order is considered accepted only after you have spoken with the confectioner by phone. If no one calls you back within 24 hours, please call the confectioner at +373 69 107 560.